How to Make a Huge Prophet: Awakening to the Role and Goal of Your Soul – Sparks

A good actor plays his part, but he doesn’t get lost in his part. He never forgets who he really is although fully immersed in his role. Similarly, you are a soul playing a character. And you, soul, are a ray of God – the Soul of all souls, the …

Funny, You Don’t Look Religious: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – Sparks

I’ve often asked people to describe their image of a Torah sage or a Tzaddik (holy person). Most people imagine a frail old man, pale, stooped over and often wearing thick glasses. Why can’t the person also be a woman or a young dynamic robust fellow? But most people, when …

What Makes Life so Difficult? Making Peace With Our Battle – Sparks

In this week’s portion, Jacob asks for peace and relaxation but G-d had another plan. “Jacob settled (down) in the land of his father’s dwellings, in the Land of Caanan.” — Genesis 37:2 The foremost commentator, Rashi, explains: Jacob wanted to settle down in tranquility but then the ordeal of …