The Crying of Tisha B’Av

On Tisha B’Av, a day fraught with tragedy throughout Jewish history, we have many reasons to cry. On the surface, we cry over the destruction of the Temple, which was destroyed twice on this day. For most people it is difficult to really feel the pain over the destruction of the …

Celebrating Service – Sparks

“Behold you have sinned against G-d. And you your sin will find you.” ~~ Numbers 32:23 When the Jewish people received the commandments from G-d at Mt. Sinai they understood the difference between freedom from oppression and freedom to expression. When they left Egypt the Jewish people were only freed from Egyptian slavery but only when …

Living G-d Into the World

The name in the Torah that has been translated as G-d or Lord is Adonai. The word Adonai means “Master.” In Jewish law, whatever a servant owns actually belongs to his master; the servant has no possessions whatsoever. This law also governs our spirituality: G-d is our Master, and in …