Got Fulfillment?

In my seminars I often ask people to write their definitions of God. Typical answers are intellectual, philosophical, and abstract. Then I ask the participants to write a letter to God, starting with “Dear God, I always wanted to ask you…” I request that they write with their non-dominant hand …

Why Is Life So Difficult? Making Peace with Our Battle – Sparks

In this week’s portion, Jacob asks for peace and relaxation but G-d had another plan. “Jacob settled (down) in the land of his father’s dwellings, in the Land of Caanan.” — Genesis 37:2 The foremost commentator, Rashi, explains: Jacob wanted to settle down in tranquility but then the ordeal of …

Real Love Means Embracing Conflict: The Secret of Jacob – Sparks

The Torah (Bible) teaches us that Jacob went to the house Laban, his uncle, and dwelt there for many years. He married Rachel and Leah, Laban’s daughters, and had eleven sons there. After years of struggling with Laban constantly deceiving him he finally left to return home and face Esau …